Area Progress Council Warren County

Area Progress Council

The Area Progress Council of Warren County welcomes you and invites you to use this web site to find information about an APC program or project of interest, read about community issues and events in our eNews area, or learn about our organization and its membership benefits.

Thank You in advance for you 2025 support
Looking forward to your company name here

Members of the 2024 PROGRESS CLUB

- ADVICS, Bricker Graydon, Conger Construction Group, Duke Energy, FESTO, LCNB National Bank Otterbein SeniorLife and Sinclair College - Mason
SUSTAINER - Flagel Huber Flagel, GMi Companies, McGill Smith & Punshon, and Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities
ADVOCATE - Sams Fischer, LLC and SiteWORX

Members of the 2023 PROGRESS CLUB
PACESETTER - ADVICS, Bricker Graydon, Conger Construction Group, FESTO, LCNB National Bank and Sinclair College - Mason
SUSTAINER - DUKE Energy, Flagel Huber Flagel, McGill Smith & Punshon, Otterbein SeniorLife and Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities
VOYAGER - GMi Companies

Members of the 2022 PROGRESS CLUB
PACESETTER- ADVICS, Bricker & Eckler, Conger Construction Group, Festo, LCNB National Bank, McGill Smith Punshon, and Sinclair College
SUSTAINER- Otterbein SeniorLife, VSWC and Warren County Board of DD
VOYAGER - GMi Companies

Members of the 2021 PROGRESS CLUB
Pacesetters: ADVICS, Conger Construction Group, Festo; LCNB National Bank, and Sinclair College - Mason Campus
Sustainer: Otterbein Senior Life
Voyager: MSP Design

Members of the 2020 PROGRESS CLUB  
Pacesetters   ADVICS; Conger Construction Group, LCNB National Bank; MSP Design; and Sinclair College - Mason Campus
Sustainers Otterbein Senior Life and Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities
Voyager Mental Health Recovery Board
Advocates GMi companies, Minuteman Press - Lebanon and SiteWORX

Sponsorship opportunities with the Area Progress Council

 (*) Total of pre-paid reservations per year to be used at APC Events

Please call Arla Tannehill 513-932-8228 for details.

Event Name Cost to Attend 2024
Business After Hours $25
State of the County $45 ($65 non-member)
Innovation Lunch $40 ($60 non-member)
Annual Dinner $75
Economic Outlook Breakfast $50 ($75 non-member)

Sponsorship Levels
from $280.00
Sponsorship Level:
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118 East Main (PO Box 802), Lebanon Ohio 45036                           Phone: 513-932-8228  Fax: 513-933-8228